Blogger Layouts

Friday, July 12, 2013


I went to my Normal Fri meeting and weight in, this week has been very different. I really tried my hardest to stay on plan, watched what I ate, got my running in and changed things up by hitting 4 weight watcher meetings this week.

When I got to my meeting, I all of a sudden got super nerves. I started to shake, and couldn't seem to calm my self down. After standing in line it was my turn to WI. I got ready, held my breath and stepped on......

DOWN 6.2 LBS BABY!!!!!

Yep all my hard work paid off in the form of a HUGE loss in one week!

I am so pumped, and even more excited cause now I am 1.8 lbs from my 85lb mark and 2lbs from being out of the 170's and 25lbs from my GOAL weight!!!!

I feel so on top of it, and I can really see the light at the end of the tunnel. Today I have been on my best food wise, and I even did a nice yoga workout, I have dance tonight and I plan and dancing with all 3 of my classes to earn some good AP's.

I am hitting all my mini goals next week, 85lb and out of the 170's!! I WILL DO THIS!!!!!

Starting weight: 255
Current weight: 171.8
Goal weight: 145

Thursday, July 11, 2013

WI tomorrow

I'm don't think I have been this excited about a  WI like this, in so long. This week has been awesome, and I have felt so good and so on top of it all. I'm looking forward to stepping on the scale :)

I just feel good this week which is also something I have felt in a long time.

Stay tuned to see how I do :)

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Wednesday WW Meeting (#3)

I have to say changing up my week and hitting 4 meetings in a 7 day period, is the best thing I have ever done. The extra meetings have really helped me to stay focused this week, Just when I felt like I was going to lose it I hit a meeting and found my motivation again. Monday was great, and I was so looking forward to todays meeting. Sure enough it didn't disappoint!

Also it was nice to see some fresh faces, in the meetings. I love my leader and she has been AWESOME threw this whole week with me. Today she even let me peek on the scale, to see how I'm doing. I'm not saying anything cause the peek doesn't count, my WI day is fri, but it was nice to have a approved peek from my leader. It was also added motivation to keep doing what I'm doing. WI is in 1 day and 17 hours.......I GOT THIS!!!

I have ran 2'x so far this week and today I did 5 miles! It felt great to run that far, I haven't ran over 3 miles in a wile, so to push and then to do it in 45 min....Yeah I felt amazing. Then I made my self a great salad for lunch, and all ready BBQed BS chicken breast, for dinner and tracked dinner. I still have 9 DP left....hhhhhmmmmm what to do with them? Maybe nothing we will see, but it is nice to know I'm satisfied, have my GHG in for the day, and I still have DP for a treat later if I want.

As a treat I thought I would post my recipe for 0 pt Coffee :)

That's right I revamped my coffee and its now 0 points instead of  2 (which is awesome from my 17 point starbucks coffee I used to get ouch)

Christal's Iced Latte

1/2 cup strong Coffee (I have a espresso machine, but you can make strong coffee in a reg coffee pot too)

1/2 cup Unsweetened Original Almond milk

4 pumps (or 4 Ts) Sugar Free Torani syrup, flavor of your choice (I use the SF hazelnut yumm)
FYI you can usually buy the pumps at Smart and Final. I like 4 its just sweet enough for me, but change it how you like.

All of that in to a glass, add some Ice and you have one awesome Iced 0 pt Coffee :)
If you want Steam or heat the almond milk, leave out the ice and make it a hot Latte

Enjoy :)

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Im in!!!!!!!!!!

Registration for the Tinker Bell Half Marathon opened this morning, and right at 9am I registered! Im so glad I put money away for it and didn't wait. As of 2:40pm its all ready 75% full!

I cant wait!! I had such a fun time last year, this is the event I think I will always look most forward too :). This year is going to be even more fun, I am running with my friend Nicole and we are making it a fun filled 4 day girls trip out of it.

I loved that my hubby and kids were with me the first time I ran, but having a fun vacation was hard. The park is really busy, and I had to keep leaving my fam to go do things I had to do for the run, wile they enjoyed the park just the 3 of them. It was awesome having them there, I wouldn't change that for anything, I need Mick there and I need my kids there, but now I feel that this is something I should just have fun with, and am so excited to spend it with my friend.

I am a little scared tho.......I have never been to Disneyland with out my kids, I don't know what I'll do with my self hehehe.

Nicole and I do have a pretty good plan going so far :)

We leave Fri Jan 17th, when she gets off work (Mick is driving me to her work at 4 so we are taking off right from there), we are then driving to her friend Bry's house in Pasadena. Bry s super sweet (I have meet her before and she is just awesome) Bry is being so sweet and putting us up for the night.

Then sat the 3 of us will head to Disneyland so Nicole and I can pick up our packets and check in to our hotel room. Then its off to sight see in LA and Hollywood :) maybe even hit Beverly hills and we have to hit a beach :). After our fun day exploring we want to go to dinner in Down Town Disney to carbo load for the run, then a good bed time at about 9pm.

Sunday is the Half Marathon at the awesome start time of 5am, then we plan on spending the day in the parks, Monday will be another fun filled park day. Then Tue we make the drive back home.

This is why I love Nicole she likes to plan things out like me, and we are totally on the same page :)

Cant wait for Jan!!!!

Monday meeting

Last night I hit the a Monday Weight Watcher meeting, my leader runs this meeting so it was nice to see her so excited to see me. The meeting started off with the bang, with one member reaching her life time goal!

I want to reach life time so bad! The perks are awesome, don't pay for weight watchers meetings ever again!!! Man cutting out a $40 bill every month just by reaching and staying at my goal weight.....YEAH I want it. The other cool thing, Working at weight watchers and becoming a leader some day, sounds like the best job ever.

I want to be a leader someday, I just love how much the WW leaders really do touch lives. They have been where I am, they know what I'm going threw, so their advice is true and for real. I want to give that back some day, I know how hard it is to walk threw those doors every week, and I know the struggles of staying on plan all the time. I know what its like to slip up, and I also know what its like to get back on track and be amazing. Having a room full a people cheer you on is the best.

Also hitting the meeting last night gave me the motivation I really needed to stay motivated this week. I'm looking forward to going to another meeting Wednesday morning, then my regular meeting of Friday with my WI. I just know I'm going to have a loss this week :)

Monday, July 8, 2013

Random things about Me :)

So I saw this a another blog I read by Adriana ( she is an amazing blogger, she has tons of product reviews for running stuff and make up, I just love her blog.
 A. Attached or Single?  Attached for the last 14 years and Married for 11 this Aug :)

B. Best Friend? Star, she is my partner in crime, my weight loss buddy, my cake friend, and just the best girl friend anyone could ask for. She is an awesome BFF :)

C. Cake or Pie?  At home cake, if I'm out Pie!

D. Day of the Week?  Sunday, its my start to my weekend and the only day I get to sleep in......till sept, then training starts for the Tinkerbell Half Marathon.

E. Essential Item?   My phone, cant live with out it.

F. Favorite Color? PINK!!

G. Gummy Bears or Gummy Worms? Trolli Bright Crawlers, sour gummy worms

H. Hometown? Hayward, CA

I. Favorite Indulgence? Chocolate and Cheese fondue

J. January or July? January, Love the start of a new year...and there is usually a Disneyland trip planed that month :)

K. Kids? 2, My son Justin who is 11, and my Daughter Sky who is about to be 8.

L. Life Isn’t Complete Without? My family, I love my family! I don't know what I would do with out them, they complete me and make me a better person.

M. Marriage Date? Aug, 24th 2002

N. Number of Brothers/Sisters?   1 of each :)
O. Oranges or Apples? Cant pick just one, they are my Fall go to fruits.

P. Phobias? spiders!!!!!!!!

Q. Favorite Quote? Be the you, you were to lazy to be yesterday!

R. Reasons to Smile? My hubby, my kids, my friends, my jobs (I have the best jobs ever), chocolate and coffee, running, Disney everything, and anything with glitter.

S. Season of Choice? Fall, best running weather all year, cold and over cast.

T. Tag 5 People: Star, Melissa Beck , Melissa Savage, Amber Banks, and Sarah Junsay :) I know you read this hahaha.

U. Unknown Fact About Me? I was a really bad student in school and almost didn't graduate, cause I was lazy.

V. Favorite Vegetable? Asparagus

W. Worst Habit? I bite my nails

X. X-ray or Ultrasound? Ultrasound

Y. Your Favorite Food?  Coffee!!!!

Z. Zodiac Sign? Leo :) and I'm a pretty true Leo.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

This months Weight Watcher routine....

"Before Eating Anything, Ask Yourself, IS THIS WORTH THE POINTSPLUS VALUES?"

That is a question (over the last 6 months) I have NOT been asking myself. But this week I feel different, I feel a sense of motivation I have missed. I want to do this, I want to get to my goal, Im in the last stretch.

So today we BBQed for dinner, and I tracked everything. I even had a few beers tonight and just hung out and relaxed with my hubby and awesome kids. It was a great day. I tracked everything before I ate it and I stayed on point. That felt good.

I got a run in, a slow run but a run non the less, I have earned 100% of my AP, and I have a plan to stay extra motivated. I am going to 2 extra WW meetings this week. I'm going to one in Fremont (since I will be out there) on Monday wile the kids are at their Beauty and the Beast rehearsal. Then I'm going to one again on Wednesday, then my regular meeting and WI on Friday. I really think this will help me stay motivated and focused.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy THIN-dependence Day

Hope everyone had a good 4th of July! I had a great day, we went out and did some shopping, had a awesome lunch with my family and enjoyed setting off some sparklers with the kids before bed.

In-lew of the day, here is a awesome pome my WW leader gave me.....

I pledge allegiance to myself
In quest of my weight goal
And the healthiness for which it stands.
One body....
Under control....
With confidence in new cloths for fall

:) Happy Thin-dependence day

Long nights are hard mornings.

Yesterday was another crazy busy day, with a long night of rehearsal for the kids. We didn't get home till 10:30pm. It was fun but a long night. I had a good day food wise. Even got a run in, running in the heat sucks but it was well worth it.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Ok so I forgot to blog yesterday, and today flew by like a blur. Needless to say I feel like I'm being pulled in a million direction. Some good, Some not so grate, others just plain frustrating with a dash of WTF are you thinking!!

Food wise I have done very well, and I even ran 3miles today :) On a sad slash funny note. After the beach Sunday I lost my active link. I knew I had it when I got home, but after that I just didn't know what happened to it. Then yesterday I swore I had it on, till I felt for it at about 7pm and realized I didn't have it. I sleep with it on so I thought I just left it on my pj shirt, but when I got home it wasn't there. I didn't get home till 10pm so I just went to bed and was going to look in the morning for it.

So today I got up and tore my room apart looking for the thing.......NO WHERE!! I started to freak out, cause its not cheap ($40) so I cant just go buy one at the drop of a hat, and I pay a $5 fee each month for the service. That and I'm pretty attached to my active link, its a bit of a anchor for me. So after hours of looking all over my house, I didn't find it. Then my crazy day started, I had to get some apartment stuff done, then we went shopping for BLT stuff at Safeway, I took the kids out to lunch, then came home and cleaned the kitchen right before I had to run out the door for work. Then at work (Dance) my kids were crazy off the hook, and it was like pulling teeth to get them to focus, then right from there I had to run Justin and Sky to Beauty and the Beast rehearsal. We got home about 9:45pm got the kids a snack, then went on the hunt for my active link again. I pulled my bin out from under my bed (it has my cloths in there) and of course Cheshire (my awesome kitty cat) was under the bed (she like to go under there to hide from the kids hehe) as I reach for her she backed up and guess what was in between her paws......Yep my active link. Little brat took my active link and was playing with it. How do I know this....I plugged it in and there are all kinds of activity points on here. Cheshire also like to take my hair ties and socks, so I guess I shouldn't be to surprised she swiped my active link.

Now I have it back and I feel better :)

Sunday, June 30, 2013


Today was a great day, I stayed in my points and got some fun AP's. Today we hit the beach! I felt amazing cause I got to wear a new dress my BFF (star) gave to me. It was a cute black summer/beach dress, and I felt amazing in it :)

Not a great pic of me and the kids but the kids look cute :)

Beautiful weather!!!

Laying on the beach working on my tan, with my hot hubby :)

Today was just a awesome day, I planed out my food and it felt so good to really push to stick to it. I got a good amount of AP's from all the walking. I also earned some from dance this morn.
I got all my good health guidelines in. I'm ready to tackle this week, head on. So far My week is going good and I feel in control.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Its HOT!!!

Ok so I live in California, In the Bay area....A pretty sweet place. Its great weather all year long, I'm in the middle of everything (forest, beach, city), and Disneyland is only a 6 hour drive away :)

I cant complain to much, but living in this awesome area has made me a woos to sever weather. We have had a heat wave this week. Today it got up to 95 (yeah I know I shouldn't complain some people have it WAY worse) but for me in my area this is HOT. Today was so hot and no matter what I just couldn't cool down. I had to work this morning, I love my job, being a Dance teacher is just awesome, but having to dance for 2.5 hours in hot weather in a room that for some reason just cant seem to get  breeze threw it, Kinda sucked. It was so hot and stuff in the studio. I even had all 3 fans going and both doors (back and front) open. Then as soon as I get home, the fam wants to go to the movies.

Aaahhhh the movies = air conditioning......yeah not today. We went to see Monsters University, super cute movie, but the theater must have turned down or off their air conditioning, cause by the middle of the movie I was sweating in my seat. When it was over I felt like I was dripping sweat. Got home, then had to cook dinner, then we had a family game night. Finally ay 10pm I got to take a cold shower and feel human again, in stead of a big sweat ball. Good news I earned 100% of my activity today and maybe the extra sweating helped burn some calories too.

Stay cool, summer is in full force :)

Friday, June 28, 2013

I have a confession to make

I have not been neglecting this blog.... I have been purposely avoiding it!

Why you may ask, simple, I didn't want to own up to my own self sabotage.

I have been bouncing around the 170's since Jan. Its now the end of June, 6 months in to the year, and I'm still where I was in Jan.

I'm not proud

I'm not happy with myself

I'm not ok with this at all


I am ready to change it.....I have to change it.

It all boils down to is a simple lack of motivation, It happens!!!! Not a big deal, I'm just proud of the fact I have not gained a ton of weight back, that I have just been yo-yoing. That to me speaks VOLUMES of where my mind is. I really will not gain all my weight back. I have truly hit that point, going back to 275 is NOT a option or a place I will ever be again. Seeing that number on a scale again scares the SHIT OUT OF ME!!! (excuse my French, but I mean business).

So now the next step in my weight loss journey, finding my motivation again....... I'm going back to basics! I am committing myself every night for the next 7 days, to post on my blog about my day, good or bad, gloating or crying, just blog. I have never kept a journal as a kid, but I do have to say keeping this blog had really helped me in my journey. It feels good to get everything out and down on paper, so to speak. hat and I have learned that a lot of people do read my blog, and I want to make sure I post the good the bad and the ugly. Cause after all we are only human, and I know for me, hearing of someone else struggles and how they over came them, has always been very uplifting. I just hope I can do that for someone else in return.

So after all has been a good day. Its the day my week stats over, right now I'm 10 points in to my weeklies and I'm ok with that :), I have a plan of what I'm eating tomorrow, and I went grocery shopping today and bought a lot of really good food for dinners and just all day stuff. I am going to use all the willpower I have to stay one plan, because simply, I deserve it! and I owe myself this.

Stay tuned :)

Starting Weight 255
Current weight  177.4
Goal weight   145
32.4 lbs to go :P

Thursday, June 27, 2013

What do you do when....

You feel you have lost your motivation?
Get frustrated with your self ?
Have no desire to really push?
But still want your end goal sooooooo bad?

Go back to basics!!!!!! That's all you can do.

Since Jan I have been off, I kinda lost my motivation. Some of it was health stuff, but now I have that under control. Now its just a pure lack of motivation.

Im finding its hard to keep a positive outlook, and keep my motivation going. Its hard to lose 80 lbs and still keep the desire to keep going. Don't get me wrong I want to hit my goal weight more then anything, but I just cant seem to find that motivation I had when I started.

Losing weight is a big emotional rollercoaster. When you make the decision to really do it, and really have the drive to do it...its because your in a scary place in life. I have heared people (in my meetings and outside of them) say.....

"I want to lose weight, but nothing works"
"I tried to lose weight, but I get so frustrated, and don't see results"
" I want to, but I just don't have the time"
"I want to, but I don't want to have to make food different then what my family eats"
"Im desperate to lose weight, Im going to start a diet Monday"
" I have tried....This, that and the other thing, but nothing is working, I still give in to food"

Anything sound familiar?????????

It all sounds familiar to me, I have said all of this, But when you really hit bottom NOTHING will stop you. When you really hit bottom, you have totally had enough. Emotionally you are beat, you see all the flaws and have a desperate desire to change. The problem now is Im comfortable, Im happy where I am, Im so far from where I was. But Im still not healthy and I need to get to goal.

So now I just have to find what motivates me to get back on track. One thing that is motivating.....I want to be at goal for the Tinkerbell Half Marathon in Jan. The other thing, I feel like I'm losing muscle, Im not as toned as I was. I want that back!!!

Starting isnt easy, keeping motivated is even harder, but in the end its always worth it, because quiting is NEVER a option!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Run, Run, Run....

I love running, I love the feeling I get finishing a good run, I love the sweat, the push, all of it. I really love running in runs, especially fun runs. The Tinkerbell Half Marathon was a blast in Jan, I cant wait for this coming years. I all ready have my registration money set aside :)

The Diva 5k was really fun too, I love seeing all the pink!! Today tho is awesome cause I just registered for the Color Me Rad 5k, which is in Sept. Its a fun run, where you get pelted with color bombs, It looks so fun!! Best part is I get to run it with my son Justin. Justin is 11 years old, and has started to like running too. He loves to go running with me, and wants to join the track and field team in middle school next year, not to mention for his 14th birthday (the youngest he can be due to a age limit), he has asked that his b-day gift be registration for his first Half Marathon (the Disneyland Half Marathon).

Im so happy that something healthy I am doing for myself, is rubbing off on my family. I love that I get to share something I love with my kids. I also love that I get to show them, your never to old to try something new :)

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Tonight was.......

AWESOME!!! Tonight was a fun night :)

Tonight was the awards dinner for the Oro Loma Sanitation districts poster contest, we got to go because my wonderful daughter placed. She drew a poster and turned it in, and tonight we got to find out where she placed. Sky won FIRST PRIZE!!!! The prize.....$700!!! WOW that's a lot of money for a 7 year old hehe. SO that's reason number one why tonight was awesome.

#2 I knew it was going to be a pasta type dinner with treats (this is our 3rd year in a row Sky has won something from Oro Loma), So I knew kinda what to expect. I planed out my day and made sure a had a good amount of points left for dinner. When we got to dinner I saw a HUGE bowl of fruit. I filled half my plate with it, then I guessed that the scooper was about 1/2 cup, so I gave myself one scoop of pasta with tomato sauce (they had alfredo, but I passed on it NSV), then came the garlic bread. I knew it would be there, I grabbed 1 small piece and walked away.....quickly. Then I went to the drinks, and saw they had lemon and cucumber infused water (I was kinda impressed) I got a cup of water and went and enjoyed my food. NSV (Non Scale Victory) #2

Then came the deserts......2 of the 4 things didn't look very good so I passed, then I saw raspberry cheese cake, and some chocolate chip cookie bar thing. Luckily they were small little 2 bit squares, I mean they were small. I grabbed one of each. The cheese cake....yummy but not worth a second trip for the pts, then the cookie bite and I knew NOT WORTH IT!! I even spit it out. It was funny tasting and just plane nasty. So I was good on desert, felt like I got a treat. NSV #3, also helped the awards part was starting.

NSV #4 My little black dress!! My bff Star brought me over some cloths, and one was this dress. It was so cute, but a bit form fitting, I have never worn a dress that snug. I tried it on and liked it, so I got brave and wore it to the dinner with my black heels and a little black knit, short sweater cause it was a bit cold. I got so many comments on that dress and how I looked from some of the teacher from our school :) MVS #4 and here is a pic to prove.......I WAS HOT!!! hehe

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Good Week :)

Last week was so nice, I ran 3 x's this week and I felt stronger and stronger with each run. Best part I lost 4.6 at WI on fri. Not to bad, only 2.2 to go till I lose all the weight I gained being hurt. Its so hard to be so close to my 85lb mark, then to get hurt and have a big set back, but there is always something to learn in every situation.

What did I learn.......Breaks are needed. I was pushing my body hard, really hard. I had no intention of stopping, getting hurt made me stop. Now I have to work a bit to get back to where I was.

Lesson #2 in all this......I can get back to where I was and past that, NOTHING can or ever will stop me. I refuse to be so over weight again, and I  have proved to myself that I don't have to be. I'm strong enough to push threw a injury or set back, and jump right back on and keep going forward.

Don't ever stop moving....take breaks when needed, but don't ever stop :)

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Diva 5K

After being hurt, I totally went against Doc orders on Sunday May 5th. I ran the Diva 5k in Burlingame (I paid the registration for it back in Jan, and you cant get your money back). I took my meds when I got there, and wore 2 abdominal type supports so I wouldn't bounce.

Besides that.....IT WAS AWESOME!!!!!

My amazing friend, Nicole, came out with me just for support. She is the best :) I mean come on the girl got up at 4am just to come hang with me and cheer me on. I'm one lucky girl to have such a awesome friend!

Check out that beautiful sun rise on the Bay!

Posing on the starting line :)

Just a small bit of runners, lining up to go. There were 1786 people total who ran the 5k.

1mile to go :)

Nicole and I :)

After the run with my medal, boa, tiera, rose, and glass of bubbly (ginger ale) lol. They sure know how to make you feel like a diva at the finish line :)

Checking out the after party with DJ Honeylishious, He was awesome!

I had a good run, I finished in 32 min. Not to bad for being hurt, not my best, but not bad ether. It was such a fun day! After the run we hit this little café called Baywatch. OMG I had the best coconut, macadamia nut, banana, pineapple pancakes ever!
This run got me so excited for the Tinkerbell Half Marathon, which I'm even more excited for because Nicole is running it with me! Its going to be a awesome 4 day Disney runcation, only 8 more months :)

SO I had EVERY intention....

Of keeping this blog up to date. Then I don't post for 2 weeks, BUT in my defense, I have a very good reason. I haven't been able to move in over a week, literally, I have had to lay on my couch or in my bed on my side in the fetal position.

Why, you may ask........Simple

I got hurt working out. Yeah I know LAME, but I got really hurt. So here is the awesome (lame) story.

I have been going to the Marina by my house, for the last few weeks, not only to run, but to do the fitness trail. Its a mile loop trail that has work out stations all along it. If I stop at each station it takes me about a hour to walk/workout for the whole mile. I started doing this to help me tone up. I did it for 2 weeks 3x's a week, then on the first day gong in to my 3rd week I got hurt. I was 1/2 mile on the trail (so half way threw my workout) at this station you lay on a flat bench, hold a bar above your head and lift your feet over your head (a revisers sit-up if you will). Now the benches are at different angles, one is flat, wile the other 2 are slightly more elevated (one I swear is at a 90' angle) I was on the completely flat one.

On my 4th rep, as I was bringing my feet down, I heard a pop and was is instant pain. I mean the pain was so bad I all most threw up and blacked out. I laid on the bench not moving just staring at the sky, trying to make a scene, when the gentlemen who was working out on the same station as me came in to view.

Workout Guy: I heard that pop, are you ok?

Me: (in my head thinking OMG he heard it!!)

Workout Guy: Mam take a breath, are you ok?

Me: Shook my head yes, then quickly said "NO".

Workout Guy: Ok, just take a few breaths and let see if we can get you to sit up. (pulls out his phone and calls his wife who was running the trail).

Me: (trying to sit up, feel the pain on my right side) I think I pulled a muscle.

Workout Guy: How did you get here?

Me: I drove.

Workout Guy: Ok, lets see if you can get up and walk a bit.

I get up and we start walking and can feel the muscle in my abs pulling with every step. OMG IT HURT!!!

We get to about the 1/4 marker and his wife meets up with us. She asked me where I parked, and I told her, She asked me if I wanted them to call anyone, I said no I just want to get home, Ill be fine. So the 3 of us walk to my car very slowly. All the time the guy is asking my questions, about where it hurts, what was I doing when it happened.

We finally get to my car, and I very slowly climb in. I was hoping once I sat it would feel better.....NOPE it got worse, it started to cramp and spasm like crazy. The guy then pulls out 2 advil, tells me to take them and drive to the ER, He's a EMT and he thinks I tore a muscle. He tells me I need to get it check out ASAP, cause a full tare requires surgery to fix. His wife asked if I was ok to drive, I told them yes, and took off for home. As Im driving its killing me, Im having to hit the break with my left foot cause I was cramping on my whole right side. I got to the parking lot of my place, and realized, Mr. Workout Guy might be right :(

So sitting in my car in my parking space, I call my doc tell them what happened, and they tell me to get there ASAP.

I get to the Doc, they get me in really fast, She feels around and tells me she can feel a tear on my right side at my waist :(, but it also feels like I pulled a muscle up in my diaphragm. In comes a ultrasound machine and sure enough......there is a small tear.

So in the end I pulled a muscle by my diaphragm, and have a small oblique tear, was given LOTS of meds and told to not move as much as possible. Then I need to go back in, in one week and be re-ultrasound to check to see if the tear was healing right. At my appointment last week, I was told its all healing great. Now I have some stretches I have to do everyday to help stretch out the pulled muscle, and I was told I could start running again.

Both have been a challenge, I cant run like I did cause my side starts to cramp, but it is getting better. The worst part is I have gained 7lbs in the last 2 weeks. I have had a really good week this week and even ran 3 days, so Im hoping I will have some sort of lose this week.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

O yeah baby!!!

Know that best I mentioned I my last post, that me and Mick had going on....Yeah I WON!!!!! That's right I WON!! I lost a whole pound. So tonight will be very nice, when he owns up and gives me my 30 min massage :)

Hehehe I love him, I do have to admit the bet gave me extra motivation this last week. Im so working just as hard this week, cause Im only 1.6 lbs till my 85lb mark.

WooHoooo and IM also almost out of the 170!!!!!

Cant wait!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Feeling good :)

  It has been almost 2 weeks since I started taking all my supplements and so far, I still feel amazing! It is very empowering to feel like I have a handle on everything. I have been sleeping great and that makes a huge difference, It has been easier to keep my eating under control and, to get my running and other workouts in.

  This week is my normal PMS week and I do feel a bit hungrier then normal, but nothing I cant control, a little irritable at times, but once again nothing I cant control. It just feels like normal PMS, yeah it sucks but its much better then what I was having.

  So on a different note, Mick and I have a little bet going on :) nothing like some healthy competition between spouses. Let me tell you how it started, My week start every Fri, so I get my daily points plus my 49 weeklies every fri. This fir I was really good and only went 10pts in to my WP's, so On sat after a long morning of work, I was hungry and really wanted Nachos, not like taco bell nacho, like good taqueria nachos, good nachos. So we went for a late lunch at this yummy Mexican place by my house and I ordered their Super nachos.

  OMG the plate was huge, and every bite was so yummy and hitting the spot. I was shocked, I ate half the plate, then took the other half home and about 3 hours later I ate the rest. It was so yummy, and it was my lunch and dinner hehe, Later we went and got ice cream and I stuck to a yummy lychee sorbet (low in points). Later that night Mick was ragging on me about my nachos, the next day he had another comment about them, then finally on Monday we where talking and he once again brought them up. I asked him why he was picking on me about them, and he said "Because that was a ungodly amount of food and your going to have a gain, just from that". I was mad at first, then felt confident in myself, because I KNOW for a fact, I wont have a gain. I stayed in my DP and WP and I have been working out. I know for a fact I can eat my nachos and still see a loss on the scale :)

  So we made a bet, If I have a gain, any size gain even .2 Mick wins, If I have a loss even a small one like .2, I win....the prize......a 30 min massage :) O yeah baby!!! I'm so going to win this, and I will be more then happy to gloat all about it. One thing my sweet hubby will take from this, is I know my points, the other things he will learn......DON'T mess with my Nachos!!! :P

  I love Weight watchers, this life style change is awesome. I can be at a healthy weight, be athletic, and still eat the things I love :)

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Loving the Warm weather.....

and at the same time hating it. Why? because I have nothing to wear!!

Haha yeah, I know poor me right hehehe, So last summer I had a few pairs of capris I wore and my awesome mom sent me a bunch of shorts that didn't fit her. So over the last few day I finally pulled everything out and went threw all the summer cloths I have.

Only one pair of capris fit, and when I say fit, I mean they fit in the legs ok but the waits is big so I have to wear a belt to keep them up. Nothing else fits, including my bathing suit I bought last year, its all to big. So excited to get to go shopping for a few things to get me threw summer, but at the same time, I wish I could just go in my closet and pick out something to wear.

On that note, we are heading to Target to get Sky a new bathing suit, Justin some new swim shorts, some sunblock, then heading to the beach to enjoy this awesome sunny, warm day. Then tonight.....AUDITIONS!!! Sky and I both have auditions, we are both auditioning for Les Mes, and I'm also auditioning for Millie. So excited.....O and last week the kids auditioned for Beauty and the beast. Justin just got a call last night :) he has a call back for Maurice Bell's dad :). I'm so happy and proud of him and he is so excited to possibly have a good size role.

Have a awesome Sunday :)

Thursday, April 18, 2013

HI....Long time no see :) FYI this is LONG

Sorry I havnt updated in over a month. Things havent been ok with me, I have been yo yo ing (weight wise) since Jan and finally think I'm getting it undercontrol. As some of my close friends know I have whats called PCOS . It was really bad when I was young (irregular periods, long lasting ones, irritability, sleep probs, mood swings, and all kids of other wonderful stuff). So at the age of 13 I was put on birth control pills to help regulate everything. They worked great, then after 6 months the Doc took me off them to see if my body could be regular on it own.....yeah didn't work, so back on the pill I went. I took BCP from the age of 13 till 20, non stop. That's a LONG time, and not good for your body at all. I only stopped taking BCP when Mick and I decided to start trying for a baby (love my Justin :) ).

Wile I was prego with Justin my PCOS systems were gone! I was great! After he was born, it lasted almost 3 months with no symptoms, then they started again, and back on the pill I went (this time I wanted to take them for birth control purposes too) Then a few years later, we decided to have another baby (love my Skyla girl :)). Wile I was prego with Sky, same thing no issues with PCOS. When she was born, Mick had a vasectomy so I had no reason to go back on the pill, and I really didn't want to.

With Skyla I was very overweight, and had no PCOS problems, I was ok, and when something did hit, I was able t handle it. So I stayed off the pill. I have been off the pill for 8 years now, but in the last 19 months I have lost 81 lbs, and guess what........all my PCOS probs have been slowly coming back :/

Since December I have been watch my self and documenting things. I started to notice that the week before my period, I was getting really lazy, kinda moody, and felt hungry all the time, but it wasn't anything that I couldn't handle, and most of the time I could push out of it. Then by the end of march, it was worse, way worse!! The PMS week turned in to 2 weeks and sometimes days here and there, I was major binge eating the week before my period, and my mood was horrible. Worst part I felt I couldn't control it and I couldn't push out of it, so my running was getting put off, and I would have 2 weeks of crazy gains. So I have been bouncing all over the 170's going from 174 one week to 178 the next, then back to 176 so on and so on. This has been going on since Jan.

I finally went and saw my Doc (who is AMAZING by the way, I just love her) and we talked, I told her what was going on, she asked me some questions, then had me take a written survey, of how I feel all month even on good days. After all that, she came back with this. I have PCOS (we knew that) well PCOS can cause PMDD (severe PMS), but even on my good days it looks like I have Mild Depression on top of all of it. She said the key thing that makes her feel that is the fact I said I cant control it, that's when its a sign of depression. We then talked about me when I was a kid and she feels I have always had it, but its always been so mild, and the PMDD has similar symptoms and can cause depression so its just always been looked at as a PMS kinda thing.

Another interesting things we talked about was the fact I have been fine for so's the kicker........ready for it........wait its coming...........its going to be good...........
My weight loss, is what has gotten it going again! No joke!!

She said when your prego you body stores estrogen in the fat in your abdomen, kinda as a back up. Well since I gained more weight after sky was born, all that storage was there, when I was having PCOS issues, my body was pulling estrogen from the fat it had stored, so it was balancing it self out. Well 81 lbs later there isn't much abdominal fat, so all that extra estrogen storage is gone, hence the hormone issues. Mild Depression, with major PMS that was also causing me to not sleep well.....yeah not a great mix.

She gave me some options,
1) was to try BCP's again, but PCOS increases your rick of heat problems, so taking a pill that also raise that, and I'm a lot older now......Yeah I said no to that.
2) was trying a anti depressant, I said I would like to not go there but wasn't ruling it out.
3) Supplements, with the understanding they some times take time to kick in.

I chose the supplements, together we found a mix to try. She was really knowledgeable about it, which was nice to see.

1) 5-HTP or SAM-E, I chose to try the 5-HTP (mainly because of price, its much cheaper then SAM-E) and they do the same thing. 5-HTP is the chemical your body make that turns in to serotonin, i.e. give you that happy feeling. Right now I take 50mg and that seems to be fine for me. Next week is my normal PMS week so I might bump it up to 100mg if I feel the 50 just isn't cutting it. We just have to wait and see. Also it helps to curb your appetite (I noticed that the very first day I took it, but after that nothing, I think it has really helped with the sweets cravings tho). I do notice the 5-HTP makes me a bit sleepy for a few hours, then it goes away, Doc did say to try one for a month then try the other and see what I like best. I think I'm going to do that, just cause the sleepy feeling kinda sucks. Its not bad, but if the SAM-E works as well, and doesn't make me sleepy then sweet. I just have to wait and see.

2) Vitex fruit (also known as Angus Cactus Fruit) This is widely known for helping women with PMS and PMDD issues. It has been used for years, and helps balance hormone issues along with PMDD symptoms, to get women to have normal flows.

3) Melatonin, After a long day you know how you get that relaxed feeling, then the sleepy feeling, then the "I'm ready for bed" feeling, thats what Melatonin is, its a chemical your body make naturally to help you feel relaxed and to tell you its bed time............yeah I don't get that to much, and even when I do.......once I hit the bed I'm WIDE awake! Also PCOS, PMDD and Depression can make it hard to get good deep sleep, leaving you with the feeling that you never slept at all. So for the last week, a hour before bed I have been taking 3mg of Melatonin. This is a very low dose, but I wanted to see how I would react to it. It has been great! I get nice and relaxed before bed and I have been getting good quality deep sleep, which helps me feel even better in the morning. I do think once I'm done with this bottle I am going to up it to 10mg. 3mg is really low and I notice if I eat something before I take it, or after it just doesn't seem to work well. I think 10mg will work even if I eat or not. Its all about genie pigging right now. My Doc has given me 4 months to see if supplements work for me, after that if I feel they are not working, or not working as well as I would like, then she wants me to try a anti depressant for a little wile. I'm hoping the supplements do the trick, it would be nice to not have to take meds.


I have been taking all 3 of these for one week now, and I have already noticed a difference in how I feel. I do have to admit my PMS week is coming so I am a bit nervous I just hate how low, and unmotivated I feel, and the feeling that I'm starving all day is crazy and really bugs me, not to mention the sad, guilty, I just want to lay in bed feeling sucks too. I like how I feel now, how this passed week has been. The only way to really describe it is, I feel "ME", I feel good. I want to go do the things I enjoy, I love running again, I love getting out of the house, its awesome.

The other big thing, is all of this has messed with me getting to my goal weight. I feel like I have a handle of it right now and I have been pushing like never before. I don't want this feeling to go away, so I will up my supplements if I need to, but right now I'm just enjoying being me again :)

As far as Weight Watchers goes, yes I'm still doing it :) and it feels good knowing threw all of this, I haven't missed one meeting, or weigh in. Even when I didn't like what the scale said, and didn't know what was going on, I just kept going. That feels so good, My attitude of putting myself first, and doing what I need to do so I can be there for my family and friends, is really now a habit. Now to just get the rest of me on board and Ill be in great shape :)


Starting weight: 255
Current Weight: 174
Goal Weight: 145
Total gone forever: 81 lbs
29 more lbs to go!!!!!!

Events: I have 2 auditions for plays this Sunday (Thoroughly Modern Millie and Les Mes) wish me luck :), also I'm running the DIVA 5K on May 5th, then I might be doing the Santa Cruz pier to pier 10K run in July, the Color me Rad 5K in Sept, and All ready have my registration set aside for the Tinkerbell Half Marathon in Jan!! Cant wait to run that again, best part I have 2 friends coming with :)

Friday, March 1, 2013

Just keep swimming, Just keep swimming......

That has been my motto lately!

In the last 3 months I have lost a total of 4 lbs. I have YoYoed like crazy.....Why? because I don't count points like I should, I'm haven't been tracking everything I eat, I did workout like I should be and well I have been just plain lazy. Not all the time but most of the time, enough to flip flop with these 4 lbs.

Last week at WI I lost 3.6 and was only 1 lb from my 80 lbs mark, I was determined to get there.......then the head cold hit :(

I couldn't run (I was way to stuffy) and all I wanted to do was sleep. I still had to teach dance, and my head was rocking every night. Needless to say I didn't move much. BUT just because I couldn't workout didn't mean I could use it as an excuse to eat what I wanted. So I watched my points, and did really good. I had a gain but it was only .4, not to bad.

I have also realized I'm so close to my goal weight, I'm at the point that even if I stick to my point and don't go over, if I don't workout I wont have a loss at all. I have to work out to lose. So today I got this cool new WW pilates toning DVD and toning ring. I'm super excited to add it to my running. I really need to start toning up. Summer is around the corner and I'm all ready looking at new Bathing suits :)

Now that I'm feeling better I'm in MODE!! I am going to get that 80 lbs next week for sure. I am challenging myself to get there. I'm almost to my goal weight and I'm so excited. I cant wait to see that number on the scale, I cant wait to hit goal and to make Life time. The only way to do it though is to just keep going, just keep pushing, just keep trying.......Like Dory in Finding Nemo said "Just keep swimming, Just keep swimming" :)

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Get your A$$ out and MOVE!!

I have ran the last 4 days in a row, and it has felt amazing. I feel like i have been in a funk for so long and this push has felt amazing. Its a good reminder of how far I have come. I ran on my treadmill 2 miles each day.

Today I ran my 2 miles (In 17 min :D) but it didn't feel like enough, I wanted more. So since it was only 11:10am I decided on a whim to run to Micks work. His work is 4 miles from our house. I text him to let him know I was on my way and took off out the door. I made 4 miles in 43 min, and got to mick work just as he was getting in his car to come home for lunch. It felt so good to get in the car and sit (I was tired). It was also awesome hearing Mick say how crazy I am and how proud of me he is. I love my hubby he is definitely my biggest supporter.

I'm pushing this week and hoping for a good loss this week too. I really want to get to my 80 lb mark and I want out of the 170's so bad. I have been here way to long I need to get back on track and get to my goal weight.

Here is to pushing your self, giving your all, and moving your ass!

and here is something just to make you laugh :)

Saturday, February 9, 2013

I can finally see it

Superbowl Sunday is always a fun day. Food, friends, food, football game, food, great time and did I mention the food?

This year was way different :), I got to go with my fam over to my BFF's house to watch the game with her fam too. Best part we both do WW and we decided the menu for the day. Yeah we had some not so great stuff but most of it was good for you stuff.

Wile we where there we took some pics. I'm in love with these pics. The main reason.....this is the first time I have seen my self in pics and thought "WOW I look skinny". I can finally see the weight loss and I feel GREAT!!

No I'm not a 49er fan (Buffalo baby) but I wore my friends jersey just for game day fun.

This was taken after I won my football square and won the 4th quarter of the game. $400.00, the biggest jackpot of the day :)

It was a 49er game after all so I had to do it....Kapernicking!!

I love these pics, what an uplifting, inspiring moment for me. I have been yoyo-ing for the last few months and it was really getting to me, but these pics....MAN, I'm re-motivated. I will get to my goal weight and soon, cause if I can look this skinny and good now man just wait till I hit goal. I'm going to be HOT!! Hehehe :)

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Goal Prizes

When I started WW, I set 2 goals right away. One was when I got out of the 200's and the other was when I weighed less then Mick. I hit both of those goals, but what I wanted for my prizes was a bit pricey :/

Well thanks to $10 I spent on a football square I played, and the awesome Superbowl......I won $400 and finally had money to play with :).

Yesterday I went out to these new outlets by my house and finally got my prizes. I'm going to have to post pics later but my prizes where

Out of the 200's = Coach purse
Weigh less then mick = Coach sunglasses

I LOVE THEM!!! and I cant stop looking at them, I feel amazing when I wear my glasses. They are amazing anchors and I love having something to hold to remind myself of my accomplishment's. It really gave me a push to keep going. I have come so far there is no turning back now I'm to close to goal.

As of last Fri I weighed 176.8 (down 78.2 lbs) :)
I'm 31.8 lbs from my Goal weight.

Now......what will my goal prize be?

Thursday, January 24, 2013

100 Post!!!

How fitting that my 100 post on this blog is about the one thing I have been talking about all year........(yep you guessed it) The Tinkerbell Half Marathon!!!

This run was my first half marathon in my life and it was so FUN!! I felt great the whole run, had a ton of fun, met some amazing inspiring women, and best of all I got to spend some time in my fave place with my family. Lets start from the beginning :)

We left on thur the 17 for our long 5 hour drive down to Anaheim. The weather was nice the roads clear (even in LA if you can believe that). We got to our hotel about 8:30pm (loved our room by the way, Best Western Stovall's Inn) Then we cleaned up from the drive and headed down to the ESPN Zone in Downtown Disney for dinner

Got to love the big screen.

With our hotel stay we got free breakfast. Pancakes, eggs, sausage and fruit, cereal and juice, milk and coffee. This by far was the best free breakfast we have ever had with a hotel stay.

On friday 1/19 Justin and sky finishing their food so we could go play at the park.

 Mick and I are ready to go
We got a Magic morning with our vacation pack and we got to use it for California Adventure, which was awesome, cause we got 1 hour in the park before it opened to the public. The first place we headed was CARS LAND!!!
Can I just tell you how impressed I was with it, it looked just like the movie, I mean Radiator springs is real its that crazy impressive. So the Racers where our first ride...

Super cute cars :)
Me and Justin getting ready

One of the shops, Looks just like in the movie right?

After RS, we walked around the new Buenavista street and I was so excited to find Oswald's!! I love Oswald the luck rabbit
So does Sky

After playing in the park for a wile I had to leave the fam to hit the Health expo and go pick up my race packet. The expo was in the Disneyland Hotel so I had a bit of a walk but when I got to the end of Downtown Disney I saw this....
Instantly PUMPED!!!!
It took about 30 min of waiting in line for me to get in to get my packet, but once in the building the energy was amazing.
I got to see and listen to Jeff Galloway who is an Olympic runner and who is a RunDisney official run trainer. I used his running program for my training for the Tinkerbell. So it was neat to see him and hear what he had to say about running strong and injury free.
Then the shopping began :) I didn't go crazy though, although it would have been VERY easy too. I got a rundisney mickey Vinalmation with the little Tinkerbell medal to go with it (displayed in my living room as we speak) and this awesome cup! I am hooked on these cups.

After shopping I walked around and checked out some of the booths. One booth I hit was the Diva Run stand. So cute all pink and black and totally girly. Here I got to sign up for the Diva 5K on May 5th in San Francisco (if you want to join me reg is only $30). Im so excited to have a run to look forward to again.
After that I hit the corner and ran right in the Run Disney booth (literally I ran in to it like a dork) but it was so worth it cause sitting there was Sean Astin!!!
He is a very cool guy, he only laughted at me for a sec when I hit the booth :p. No one was around so I walked up to him and said hi and we started chatting about the run. I asked him about the Walt Disney World marathon (he was supposed to run it the weekend before the tinkerbell) Sadly he had something come up and couldn't run it, but said he was looking forward to doing it next year and maybe the Goofy. He's so cool and down to earth and it was neat to talk about our family's (His wife is amazing and they have 3 cute kids) we both agree the best way to get our spouses to let us do Disney Runs is to get our kids on our side first :P
After the expo I met back up with Mick and the kids and we hit some rides and spent all day in the park.
I found the Club 33 Door, have no idea why I think this is so cool I cant get in :(, but it was funny having people look at me and trying to figure out why I was so excited I found this sign hehe.
Me and my girl getting ready for our fave ride, Splash Mountain!

We get creative in these pics :)

Then I got to hit my fave candy shop "Poohs Corner" and I got the yummy Cheshire Cat apple (the purple one).

That night we hit the Mad T Party which is FUN FUN FUN!!! The band playing was so cool, Tweetel Dee and Dum where amazing and so funny, then this dance crew came out and me and sky were glued to the side of the stage watching....I should probably mention the drinks are off the hook too. The kids got this lemonade thing that was really good and my Mad-T-hito was good, a little strong but good.

The next day was Sat and I only got to play in the park till about 5pm. So at dinner time Mick took the kids to hit more rides wile I left to go eat and Carbo load at Napels, got to get in the good fuel for a long run. My spaghetti with chicken (get that protein in too) was really good.
Then it was to the hotel for a shower and the joy of getting all my run stuff set out and ready for the morn. I was so excited and I think that was the most fun packing I ever had hehe. I went to bed early (about 9pm) cause let me tell you, that 2am wake up call comes FAST!
I slept really well and was ready to go out the door by 3:30am, only Disney could get me up this early and put a smile on my face.
The walk to the bag check and corrals was easy (we stayed right across the street from it hehe). It wasn't to cold and everyone out was about as happy as could be. In the bag check area was this huge stage and we got to do the cha cha slide to warm up.

I was in Corral D, here's a good pic of the sea of runners. FYI that little white light on the Right side right above all the peoples heads....yeah that was the start line.

Running threw Disneyland was so cool. They had parade floats out and it was still dark so everything was all lit up.
Mary Poppins float
Mary and Burt

Main Street and the castle in the back

Its a small world (still decorated for xmas)

Rapunzel and Flynn Rider

Clarabelle Cow and Lola

Just about Half way
Finish time 2 Hours and 53 min, not to bad since I stopped for pics. Check out that medal can we say AWESOME!!

After the run we went to Disneyland to hit some more rides and just enjoy our last day in the parks.
Autotopia, I got to drive alone cause Justin was tall enough to go alone this time. The car in front was Mick and Skyla (she is one crazy driver)

Nothing like Mickey Ice creams on a hot 80' day (yes I said 80, it was 80 in jan) and check out Justins awesome R2D2 mickey ears :)

Then it was off to the Animation station to play. I love this place there is so much fun creative things to do. My fave the Beast library :)

After playing and hitting CA screaming and Tower of terror, we headed back to Disneyland so I could meet up with a friend. Roberta has been a WW friend of mine for some time now. She is one amazing and strong lady, and is a huge support to me. She lives down by Disneyland so it was so nice to finally be able to meet her in person. She is the best and I cant say Thank you enough for all the support she has given me, especially coming to see us at Disneyland on race day that meant alot. Cant wait to go back down and see her again :)
The trip and run was amazing (even being up for 20 hours on sunday was fun) and I cant wait to do it again next year. So if your up for it let me know cause I'm making a girls weekend out of it next year.
FYI: The crowds were CRAZY for the weekend.....
1) it was a weekend with nice weather
2) school bands where preforming and a gymnastics thing was going on the same weekend
3) add all 20,000 runners and their friends and family
Yes a very crowed time at the park. The lines were long, but it was still fun. These 3 things are why Im making it a girls weekend next year, Mick has already said he doesn't want to deal with the crowds next year, but Im more then welcome to go hehe.