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Friday, July 12, 2013


I went to my Normal Fri meeting and weight in, this week has been very different. I really tried my hardest to stay on plan, watched what I ate, got my running in and changed things up by hitting 4 weight watcher meetings this week.

When I got to my meeting, I all of a sudden got super nerves. I started to shake, and couldn't seem to calm my self down. After standing in line it was my turn to WI. I got ready, held my breath and stepped on......

DOWN 6.2 LBS BABY!!!!!

Yep all my hard work paid off in the form of a HUGE loss in one week!

I am so pumped, and even more excited cause now I am 1.8 lbs from my 85lb mark and 2lbs from being out of the 170's and 25lbs from my GOAL weight!!!!

I feel so on top of it, and I can really see the light at the end of the tunnel. Today I have been on my best food wise, and I even did a nice yoga workout, I have dance tonight and I plan and dancing with all 3 of my classes to earn some good AP's.

I am hitting all my mini goals next week, 85lb and out of the 170's!! I WILL DO THIS!!!!!

Starting weight: 255
Current weight: 171.8
Goal weight: 145

Thursday, July 11, 2013

WI tomorrow

I'm don't think I have been this excited about a  WI like this, in so long. This week has been awesome, and I have felt so good and so on top of it all. I'm looking forward to stepping on the scale :)

I just feel good this week which is also something I have felt in a long time.

Stay tuned to see how I do :)

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Wednesday WW Meeting (#3)

I have to say changing up my week and hitting 4 meetings in a 7 day period, is the best thing I have ever done. The extra meetings have really helped me to stay focused this week, Just when I felt like I was going to lose it I hit a meeting and found my motivation again. Monday was great, and I was so looking forward to todays meeting. Sure enough it didn't disappoint!

Also it was nice to see some fresh faces, in the meetings. I love my leader and she has been AWESOME threw this whole week with me. Today she even let me peek on the scale, to see how I'm doing. I'm not saying anything cause the peek doesn't count, my WI day is fri, but it was nice to have a approved peek from my leader. It was also added motivation to keep doing what I'm doing. WI is in 1 day and 17 hours.......I GOT THIS!!!

I have ran 2'x so far this week and today I did 5 miles! It felt great to run that far, I haven't ran over 3 miles in a wile, so to push and then to do it in 45 min....Yeah I felt amazing. Then I made my self a great salad for lunch, and all ready BBQed BS chicken breast, for dinner and tracked dinner. I still have 9 DP left....hhhhhmmmmm what to do with them? Maybe nothing we will see, but it is nice to know I'm satisfied, have my GHG in for the day, and I still have DP for a treat later if I want.

As a treat I thought I would post my recipe for 0 pt Coffee :)

That's right I revamped my coffee and its now 0 points instead of  2 (which is awesome from my 17 point starbucks coffee I used to get ouch)

Christal's Iced Latte

1/2 cup strong Coffee (I have a espresso machine, but you can make strong coffee in a reg coffee pot too)

1/2 cup Unsweetened Original Almond milk

4 pumps (or 4 Ts) Sugar Free Torani syrup, flavor of your choice (I use the SF hazelnut yumm)
FYI you can usually buy the pumps at Smart and Final. I like 4 its just sweet enough for me, but change it how you like.

All of that in to a glass, add some Ice and you have one awesome Iced 0 pt Coffee :)
If you want Steam or heat the almond milk, leave out the ice and make it a hot Latte

Enjoy :)

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Im in!!!!!!!!!!

Registration for the Tinker Bell Half Marathon opened this morning, and right at 9am I registered! Im so glad I put money away for it and didn't wait. As of 2:40pm its all ready 75% full!

I cant wait!! I had such a fun time last year, this is the event I think I will always look most forward too :). This year is going to be even more fun, I am running with my friend Nicole and we are making it a fun filled 4 day girls trip out of it.

I loved that my hubby and kids were with me the first time I ran, but having a fun vacation was hard. The park is really busy, and I had to keep leaving my fam to go do things I had to do for the run, wile they enjoyed the park just the 3 of them. It was awesome having them there, I wouldn't change that for anything, I need Mick there and I need my kids there, but now I feel that this is something I should just have fun with, and am so excited to spend it with my friend.

I am a little scared tho.......I have never been to Disneyland with out my kids, I don't know what I'll do with my self hehehe.

Nicole and I do have a pretty good plan going so far :)

We leave Fri Jan 17th, when she gets off work (Mick is driving me to her work at 4 so we are taking off right from there), we are then driving to her friend Bry's house in Pasadena. Bry s super sweet (I have meet her before and she is just awesome) Bry is being so sweet and putting us up for the night.

Then sat the 3 of us will head to Disneyland so Nicole and I can pick up our packets and check in to our hotel room. Then its off to sight see in LA and Hollywood :) maybe even hit Beverly hills and we have to hit a beach :). After our fun day exploring we want to go to dinner in Down Town Disney to carbo load for the run, then a good bed time at about 9pm.

Sunday is the Half Marathon at the awesome start time of 5am, then we plan on spending the day in the parks, Monday will be another fun filled park day. Then Tue we make the drive back home.

This is why I love Nicole she likes to plan things out like me, and we are totally on the same page :)

Cant wait for Jan!!!!

Monday meeting

Last night I hit the a Monday Weight Watcher meeting, my leader runs this meeting so it was nice to see her so excited to see me. The meeting started off with the bang, with one member reaching her life time goal!

I want to reach life time so bad! The perks are awesome, don't pay for weight watchers meetings ever again!!! Man cutting out a $40 bill every month just by reaching and staying at my goal weight.....YEAH I want it. The other cool thing, Working at weight watchers and becoming a leader some day, sounds like the best job ever.

I want to be a leader someday, I just love how much the WW leaders really do touch lives. They have been where I am, they know what I'm going threw, so their advice is true and for real. I want to give that back some day, I know how hard it is to walk threw those doors every week, and I know the struggles of staying on plan all the time. I know what its like to slip up, and I also know what its like to get back on track and be amazing. Having a room full a people cheer you on is the best.

Also hitting the meeting last night gave me the motivation I really needed to stay motivated this week. I'm looking forward to going to another meeting Wednesday morning, then my regular meeting of Friday with my WI. I just know I'm going to have a loss this week :)

Monday, July 8, 2013

Random things about Me :)

So I saw this a another blog I read by Adriana ( she is an amazing blogger, she has tons of product reviews for running stuff and make up, I just love her blog.
 A. Attached or Single?  Attached for the last 14 years and Married for 11 this Aug :)

B. Best Friend? Star, she is my partner in crime, my weight loss buddy, my cake friend, and just the best girl friend anyone could ask for. She is an awesome BFF :)

C. Cake or Pie?  At home cake, if I'm out Pie!

D. Day of the Week?  Sunday, its my start to my weekend and the only day I get to sleep in......till sept, then training starts for the Tinkerbell Half Marathon.

E. Essential Item?   My phone, cant live with out it.

F. Favorite Color? PINK!!

G. Gummy Bears or Gummy Worms? Trolli Bright Crawlers, sour gummy worms

H. Hometown? Hayward, CA

I. Favorite Indulgence? Chocolate and Cheese fondue

J. January or July? January, Love the start of a new year...and there is usually a Disneyland trip planed that month :)

K. Kids? 2, My son Justin who is 11, and my Daughter Sky who is about to be 8.

L. Life Isn’t Complete Without? My family, I love my family! I don't know what I would do with out them, they complete me and make me a better person.

M. Marriage Date? Aug, 24th 2002

N. Number of Brothers/Sisters?   1 of each :)
O. Oranges or Apples? Cant pick just one, they are my Fall go to fruits.

P. Phobias? spiders!!!!!!!!

Q. Favorite Quote? Be the you, you were to lazy to be yesterday!

R. Reasons to Smile? My hubby, my kids, my friends, my jobs (I have the best jobs ever), chocolate and coffee, running, Disney everything, and anything with glitter.

S. Season of Choice? Fall, best running weather all year, cold and over cast.

T. Tag 5 People: Star, Melissa Beck , Melissa Savage, Amber Banks, and Sarah Junsay :) I know you read this hahaha.

U. Unknown Fact About Me? I was a really bad student in school and almost didn't graduate, cause I was lazy.

V. Favorite Vegetable? Asparagus

W. Worst Habit? I bite my nails

X. X-ray or Ultrasound? Ultrasound

Y. Your Favorite Food?  Coffee!!!!

Z. Zodiac Sign? Leo :) and I'm a pretty true Leo.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

This months Weight Watcher routine....

"Before Eating Anything, Ask Yourself, IS THIS WORTH THE POINTSPLUS VALUES?"

That is a question (over the last 6 months) I have NOT been asking myself. But this week I feel different, I feel a sense of motivation I have missed. I want to do this, I want to get to my goal, Im in the last stretch.

So today we BBQed for dinner, and I tracked everything. I even had a few beers tonight and just hung out and relaxed with my hubby and awesome kids. It was a great day. I tracked everything before I ate it and I stayed on point. That felt good.

I got a run in, a slow run but a run non the less, I have earned 100% of my AP, and I have a plan to stay extra motivated. I am going to 2 extra WW meetings this week. I'm going to one in Fremont (since I will be out there) on Monday wile the kids are at their Beauty and the Beast rehearsal. Then I'm going to one again on Wednesday, then my regular meeting and WI on Friday. I really think this will help me stay motivated and focused.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy THIN-dependence Day

Hope everyone had a good 4th of July! I had a great day, we went out and did some shopping, had a awesome lunch with my family and enjoyed setting off some sparklers with the kids before bed.

In-lew of the day, here is a awesome pome my WW leader gave me.....

I pledge allegiance to myself
In quest of my weight goal
And the healthiness for which it stands.
One body....
Under control....
With confidence in new cloths for fall

:) Happy Thin-dependence day

Long nights are hard mornings.

Yesterday was another crazy busy day, with a long night of rehearsal for the kids. We didn't get home till 10:30pm. It was fun but a long night. I had a good day food wise. Even got a run in, running in the heat sucks but it was well worth it.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Ok so I forgot to blog yesterday, and today flew by like a blur. Needless to say I feel like I'm being pulled in a million direction. Some good, Some not so grate, others just plain frustrating with a dash of WTF are you thinking!!

Food wise I have done very well, and I even ran 3miles today :) On a sad slash funny note. After the beach Sunday I lost my active link. I knew I had it when I got home, but after that I just didn't know what happened to it. Then yesterday I swore I had it on, till I felt for it at about 7pm and realized I didn't have it. I sleep with it on so I thought I just left it on my pj shirt, but when I got home it wasn't there. I didn't get home till 10pm so I just went to bed and was going to look in the morning for it.

So today I got up and tore my room apart looking for the thing.......NO WHERE!! I started to freak out, cause its not cheap ($40) so I cant just go buy one at the drop of a hat, and I pay a $5 fee each month for the service. That and I'm pretty attached to my active link, its a bit of a anchor for me. So after hours of looking all over my house, I didn't find it. Then my crazy day started, I had to get some apartment stuff done, then we went shopping for BLT stuff at Safeway, I took the kids out to lunch, then came home and cleaned the kitchen right before I had to run out the door for work. Then at work (Dance) my kids were crazy off the hook, and it was like pulling teeth to get them to focus, then right from there I had to run Justin and Sky to Beauty and the Beast rehearsal. We got home about 9:45pm got the kids a snack, then went on the hunt for my active link again. I pulled my bin out from under my bed (it has my cloths in there) and of course Cheshire (my awesome kitty cat) was under the bed (she like to go under there to hide from the kids hehe) as I reach for her she backed up and guess what was in between her paws......Yep my active link. Little brat took my active link and was playing with it. How do I know this....I plugged it in and there are all kinds of activity points on here. Cheshire also like to take my hair ties and socks, so I guess I shouldn't be to surprised she swiped my active link.

Now I have it back and I feel better :)