Blogger Layouts

Thursday, May 16, 2013

SO I had EVERY intention....

Of keeping this blog up to date. Then I don't post for 2 weeks, BUT in my defense, I have a very good reason. I haven't been able to move in over a week, literally, I have had to lay on my couch or in my bed on my side in the fetal position.

Why, you may ask........Simple

I got hurt working out. Yeah I know LAME, but I got really hurt. So here is the awesome (lame) story.

I have been going to the Marina by my house, for the last few weeks, not only to run, but to do the fitness trail. Its a mile loop trail that has work out stations all along it. If I stop at each station it takes me about a hour to walk/workout for the whole mile. I started doing this to help me tone up. I did it for 2 weeks 3x's a week, then on the first day gong in to my 3rd week I got hurt. I was 1/2 mile on the trail (so half way threw my workout) at this station you lay on a flat bench, hold a bar above your head and lift your feet over your head (a revisers sit-up if you will). Now the benches are at different angles, one is flat, wile the other 2 are slightly more elevated (one I swear is at a 90' angle) I was on the completely flat one.

On my 4th rep, as I was bringing my feet down, I heard a pop and was is instant pain. I mean the pain was so bad I all most threw up and blacked out. I laid on the bench not moving just staring at the sky, trying to make a scene, when the gentlemen who was working out on the same station as me came in to view.

Workout Guy: I heard that pop, are you ok?

Me: (in my head thinking OMG he heard it!!)

Workout Guy: Mam take a breath, are you ok?

Me: Shook my head yes, then quickly said "NO".

Workout Guy: Ok, just take a few breaths and let see if we can get you to sit up. (pulls out his phone and calls his wife who was running the trail).

Me: (trying to sit up, feel the pain on my right side) I think I pulled a muscle.

Workout Guy: How did you get here?

Me: I drove.

Workout Guy: Ok, lets see if you can get up and walk a bit.

I get up and we start walking and can feel the muscle in my abs pulling with every step. OMG IT HURT!!!

We get to about the 1/4 marker and his wife meets up with us. She asked me where I parked, and I told her, She asked me if I wanted them to call anyone, I said no I just want to get home, Ill be fine. So the 3 of us walk to my car very slowly. All the time the guy is asking my questions, about where it hurts, what was I doing when it happened.

We finally get to my car, and I very slowly climb in. I was hoping once I sat it would feel better.....NOPE it got worse, it started to cramp and spasm like crazy. The guy then pulls out 2 advil, tells me to take them and drive to the ER, He's a EMT and he thinks I tore a muscle. He tells me I need to get it check out ASAP, cause a full tare requires surgery to fix. His wife asked if I was ok to drive, I told them yes, and took off for home. As Im driving its killing me, Im having to hit the break with my left foot cause I was cramping on my whole right side. I got to the parking lot of my place, and realized, Mr. Workout Guy might be right :(

So sitting in my car in my parking space, I call my doc tell them what happened, and they tell me to get there ASAP.

I get to the Doc, they get me in really fast, She feels around and tells me she can feel a tear on my right side at my waist :(, but it also feels like I pulled a muscle up in my diaphragm. In comes a ultrasound machine and sure enough......there is a small tear.

So in the end I pulled a muscle by my diaphragm, and have a small oblique tear, was given LOTS of meds and told to not move as much as possible. Then I need to go back in, in one week and be re-ultrasound to check to see if the tear was healing right. At my appointment last week, I was told its all healing great. Now I have some stretches I have to do everyday to help stretch out the pulled muscle, and I was told I could start running again.

Both have been a challenge, I cant run like I did cause my side starts to cramp, but it is getting better. The worst part is I have gained 7lbs in the last 2 weeks. I have had a really good week this week and even ran 3 days, so Im hoping I will have some sort of lose this week.

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