Blogger Layouts

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Loving the Warm weather.....

and at the same time hating it. Why? because I have nothing to wear!!

Haha yeah, I know poor me right hehehe, So last summer I had a few pairs of capris I wore and my awesome mom sent me a bunch of shorts that didn't fit her. So over the last few day I finally pulled everything out and went threw all the summer cloths I have.

Only one pair of capris fit, and when I say fit, I mean they fit in the legs ok but the waits is big so I have to wear a belt to keep them up. Nothing else fits, including my bathing suit I bought last year, its all to big. So excited to get to go shopping for a few things to get me threw summer, but at the same time, I wish I could just go in my closet and pick out something to wear.

On that note, we are heading to Target to get Sky a new bathing suit, Justin some new swim shorts, some sunblock, then heading to the beach to enjoy this awesome sunny, warm day. Then tonight.....AUDITIONS!!! Sky and I both have auditions, we are both auditioning for Les Mes, and I'm also auditioning for Millie. So excited.....O and last week the kids auditioned for Beauty and the beast. Justin just got a call last night :) he has a call back for Maurice Bell's dad :). I'm so happy and proud of him and he is so excited to possibly have a good size role.

Have a awesome Sunday :)


  1. Crystal, I can not even express how excited I am for you!!! And happy!! So happy!! I am jealous though! Lol! Whenever I feel like I need some motivation I look at your blog! I actually had an epiphany today of why I haven't been successful yet. I always quit as soon as I mess up. I have to keep going no matter what! And this was before I read your "just keep swimming" motto. I love it! I m going to start using that! Miss you tons!

  2. AMBER!!!!! I miss you tons too :), Thanks girly for the sweet words, and don't be jealous, you can do this too, I have seen you do this before. Just keep pushing girly, its not easy but its worth it! Give the kids hugs for me :)
