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Sunday, September 30, 2012

We got Parts!

Skyla and I both got parts in A Christmas Carol. Sky will be Lucy Cratchit (tiny Tim's older sister). She is so excited to be in another play. I got offered to be in the Ensemble. I love the ensemble, singing, dancing and being on stage a ton, with out the worry of lines (I feel a little intimidated having lines, so I'm pretty happy with what I got).

Rehearsal's start tomorrow :)

Saturday, September 29, 2012

IM so excited

I have been pushing as much as I can lately. I can see and feel all my hard work paying off and it feels good. Today I had a long run day (part of my training) this run made me feel so strong its amazing. I ran 5 1/2 miles without stopping AND i did it in 1 hour!!! 11 min mile pace!! I'm so excited and feel so good. My confidence has sky rocketed, I really feel I'm going to be able to finish the Tinkerbell in 3 hours.

Only 110 days left :)

Friday, September 28, 2012

70 lbs BABY!!!!

This week I lost 1.8 lbs hitting my 70 lbs gone mark :)

I'm so excited!!!! I cant believe I lost 70 lbs, that's such a crazy number to me, the other crazy number 39.6 that how much I have left to lose till I hit goal! Its amazing to me how numbers can run your life, but these are good numbers, healthy, be here for my kids numbers and it feel good hitting each mile stone. It has NOT been easy by any means LOTS of ups and downs, but in the end it feels good.

I am now 111 days away from the Tinkerbell Half Marathon. My training is going great, I'm getting faster which is nice. Right now I'm running a 10.50 mile (much better then a 15 min mile). Tomorrow I have 5.5 miles to run, and I'm determined to run it all with out stopping. Its the longest I will be running without walking, but I want to do it SO bad. I cant wait to go to Disneyland. I'm so excited for this run.

Anyways Here are my stats :)

Starting weight: 255
Current Weight: 184.6
Goal Weight: 145
Total lost: 70.4

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Another mini goal REACHED!!!!

So as you can tell I kinda gave up on the calender LOL.


I hit another GOAL!!!! I have lost 68.6 lbs total and now weight 186.4, this is a huge goal for me cause this is what I weighed when I was 18 years old and met my awesome hubby Mick!

Mick says I carry it way different then I did back then and I look smaller at this weight then I did when I was 18. I'm so excited!! I also just bought my first pair of skinny jeans and had to get this cute shirt for a tap dance I'm doing and its a XL in juniors!! I haven't fit in to juniors since high school!!

Yeah its been a great few days, I'm still on cloud 9, and to top it off I ran 2 miles today for my half marathon training and did it in 19 min and 44 sec. I had a 9.50 pace, the fastest I have ever ran and it was a pretty comfortable pace :)

Man I feel good!!

O Skyla and I auditioned for A Christmas Carol (with stage 1 the same theater company Sky did Wiz of OZ). We both had call backs yesterday :) now we are just waiting to see if we got parts. Here is My head shot......... What do you think?
And here's a pic of me dancing one of my hula's with these young 21 and 23 year old girls I just love to dance with.

And just for kicks here is the loves of my life.......


Thursday, September 20, 2012

WW Calender day 20

"8 Weeks till Thanksgiving. What do you want to achieve between now and then"

I cant believe the Holidays are so close. Its crazy how fast this year has just flew by. Right now I'm in full Half marathon training mode. There are only 119 days till my run. My goal for right now is to just run strong. I would love to be in the 170's by Thanksgiving too though :)

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

WW Calender day 19

OK so this has nothing to do with WW but I had to share..........I GOT A CALL BACK FOR A CHRISTMAS CAROL!!!!!

I have been called back for 2 parts. I'm so excited, its this Sat and I have about 15 pages of a script to try to remember (we are doing a reading and can bring the pages with us, but I want to have most of it memorised) and I have 2 songs to learn too. I cant wait I really hope I get a part. Talk about a confidence builder!

Skyla also has a call back for 2 parts, so we are both working had :)

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

WW Calender day 18

Isolate a behavior the keeps you from reaching your gaol. Work on that this week.

I think the main thing I need to make sure I do every week is watch my fruit and veggie intake. Some days I do really good others not so good, and it really does make a HUGE difference in how my week goes. I'm really going to try to get all 5 servings in everyday.

Monday, September 17, 2012

WW Calender day 17

"Say nice things to yourself today. Start with "I am worth all this extra Effort"."

Saying nice things to yourself isn't always easy, but its is necessary. A positive attitude is key to a happy life. I have learned to stop sweating the small stuff, and that just because things don't go right doesn't mean I'm not worth it. I'm worth all the hard work I'm putting in to my weight loss.

The best part of this new attitude is I'm happy with me. I'm doing things I used to love to do, for instance......I auditioned for a play, A Christmas Carol. My audition was last night and I had to sing, and do a monologue. It was awesome!!!! I'm so happy with how it went and that's all I can ask for. I would LOVE a part but if not its ok there is always the next one :)

WW Calender day 16

"What small activities will you incorporate into your schedule to achieve your daily activity goal?"

Now that I have the activelink and I'm don't with my assessment, My challenge gaol in to get 9 AP each day. I have been averaging 7 so not to bad. Its pretty cool to see what percent of your goal you have done when you plug it in.

I love a good challenge so making my activelink go off the charts is my daily goal LOL.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

WW Calender Day 15

"Craving a food you haven't had in a while? How will you feel if you have a small serving?"

Today we went to the movies to go see Finding Nemo in 3D. I love that movie and its so well done I had to see it in 3D, and I (mick or the kids ether for that matter) where NOT disappointed. It was amazing in 3D. I haven't been to the movies in what feel like so long. I when I did go last time I didn't have popcorn. I love Movie popcorn with butter yyyuuuummmmm. So today I decided I wanted some. Instead of getting a large popcorn for me and Mick to share. I opted to get a kids pack, it comes with about 3 cups of popcorn, a small 12oz soda (I got a Diet Coke) and a small pack of fruit snacks. It was just enough! It felt good to have my popcorn and a small soda. I didn't feel like I missed out on anything. I did have the fruit snacks too, mainly cause they were there and I did want something sweet. Next time though I'll just have Justin and Sky split them, they weren't worth the points to me.

Its funny how things change and something just are not worth eating anymore. Others are worth a whole days point :)

WW Calender day 14

"Are you all ready for those tailgate parties or ball games? Do you have healthy snacks to grab?"

I have learned that I SO need to have fruit and go to snacks in my house. Not just to take some where, but just to have cause I'm a snacker. My weeks go so good when I have lots of fruit and snacks to go to. Speaking of good weeks I had another great WI. I lost 3.2 lbs this week for a total of 66 lbs!!! I'm so excited I'm out of the 190's and really want to stay OP so I can get further from the 190's as I can.

Starting Weight: 255
Current weight: 189
Goal weight: 145

Thursday, September 13, 2012

WW Calender day 13

"If you ever need a helping hand, its at the end of your arm.....and remember you have another hand: the first is to help yourself, the second is to help other." Audrey Hepburn

I love this quote, it can speak volumes, especially about weight loss. For me my weight got out of control because I was using both hands to take care of everyone else. Once I really learned that I couldn't help others if I didn't take care of myself, I backed off of alot of things. And you know what I'm much happier then I used to be :)

I put me and the things I need to do first all the time now. My food and having what I need to stay OP, are things I always make sure I have on hand. Simply because if I don't I know I will just eat what ever in the house, go off track, then the guilt and depression will start because I'm then so far off track. Once that feeling sets in I don't want to do much cause I just plain feel like crap by that point. How can I put on a happy face for my kids and Mick? How can I enjoy doing anything with them (or anyone else) when I'm so distracted by the fact I feel like I failed?

I HATE!!!! I know its a strong word to use but its true I HATE feeling that way. I don't want to miss out on things because I feel crappy. So I come first and I do what I need to do, because if I don't I cant enjoy, let alone help anyone else.

This was a hard lesson to learn and it has taken me years to get to this point, but really its ok to say no to things, its ok to not give your time, its ok to put what you want first. Its OK, it really is. I really feel I'm a better mom, wife, and friend because of it. Now when I do something for someone else I give my whole heart to it because I feel good and want to really help or spend the time being with them.

You really do have to take care of yourself before you can help anyone else, Its a tough lesson to learn but once you get it.....You got it :)

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

WW Calender day 12

"What is one habit, if changed, could move you toward your weight-loss goal?"

OMG this one got me thinking, I think the one habit I have is taking little bits or "Taste testing" things. I need to stop this!

I don't count the points, who's going to figure out points for a bite, right? But sadly I know these do add up to points and I'm only hurting my efforts. I know its a habit I need to break, and I know when I do I'll be able to reach my goal with a little more ease. So today I'm making a promise to not taste test or bite anything. I'm going to only going to eat things I track and thats it.

One day at a time :)

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

WW Calender day 11

"Learn how you can help families in need. Go to"

So the lose for good campaign is awesome. During this time how ever much weight WW members lose is how much food (pound wise) WW will donate. The best part it is goes by center location. So if during the month my center loses 1000 lbs, WW will donate 1000 lbs of food to a local food bank. Also you can always bring in non-perishable foods to a center too.

Ok so off topic today is 9/11 a very significant day here in the USA. Its a day when so many lost their life because of hatred. I can still remember the day it happened, where I was, what I was doing, and freaking out because my Mom and sister where so close to it all.

Now that my kids are 10 and 7, they are learning about it in school. Justin has been asking all kinds of questions about it, because he has been to NY before and my mom is only about 2 hours from NYC. So this is a place Justin is familiar with, and knowing something so senseless and tragic happened there is hitting home a bit for him.

Today is a day to remember those who took a risk to save others, those who lost their lives, and to keep all the families of loved ones lost in our hearts and prayers.

USA United we Stand United we Stay!

Monday, September 10, 2012

WW Calender day 10

"Feeling full but bored? Choose activity or water rather then food. Activelink Make every move count."

I will so eat out of boredom, its such a bad habit and I'm happy to say I'm winning the war on this one. Its also a habit I see in Mick and the kids and I'm stopping it with them now. I tell them to grab some water or go outside and play. Something rather then eat when I know they all ready had a snack or meal and they are just bored.

Most of the time when you think your hungry anyways your really thirsty so water is a good option. I know for me finding something to distract myself is always good. So WW has this new toy called Activelink and yes I got one. It track all your movements and figures out how much AP's you earn a day just from your normal day to day activity's. Then it challenges you to move more, not workout more (all though that's always a plus) but just move more in general. Being active is more then working out 3 days a week (or what ever your doing). Activelink is a cool way to see your whole day and what you did. Are you as active as you thought? or are you way more active then you thought you were? For me.....I have no idea YET!

When you first get it you have to do an assessment week. You wear the Activelink for 8 days, all day each day. You don't change anything you do, just do what you normally would do, don't add anything new and don't try to do more then what you normally would do. After the 8 days it tells you how much you move just doing your normal day to day stuff. This becomes your base line. The level of activity you know you can hit every day, now the challenge.....go above that base, basically move more through out your day and earn some AP's.

Right now I still have 5 day to go so Ill let you know what it says when I'm done. Its really hard not being able to track any of my activity for now and not seeing it is driving me crazy. Its also really hard to not do more, I want a good reading but I don't want to do more and then not be able to get to base each day.

So bottom line GET OFF YOUR BUTT :)

Sunday, September 9, 2012

1 year ago today....

I joined WW and started this blog. WOW how time can fly!

I cant believe its been a year all ready, and I cant believe how much my attitude has changed, my eating has changed, the number on the scale has changed, all of it has changed. All for the better :)

I feel pretty good right now, I feel like I have accomplished something amazing. So last year Sky danced at a street festival and I got one of these....
Yesterday I got one again. I think its going to be my yearly reward at this festival. It was just as good as I remember last year and still worth the points. Here is a Link to the post from last year. It was crazy to re-read my first 2 post. Wow how things has changed :)

WW Calender day 9

"Are you going to your Weight Watchers meeting this week? Plan to stay for some motivation."

My meeting days are Fridays, and yes I always plan on going and staying. I love my meetings, I love the people in my meeting group. They are all supportive and we all know, no matter where we are in our own personal journey, we are all in the same boat. I also LOVE my leader. She is amazing, super supportive, and is always pushing me to do better. Meetings are not for everyone though and that's fine too. One thing though, whether you go to meetings or not, is we all need support. Just making sure you get the support you need somewhere is important to success.

For me my meetings are my "ME" time. Its the 30min a week I take for myself with no questions asked. I get to be re-energized, have my WI and see how I did for the week. I get to see friends who get "it" and totally understand my feelings and struggles when it comes to losing weight. I also love the rewards :) I'm such a sucker for some recognition. My 10% key ring hangs on the rear view mirror in my car with my 2 16week clapping hands and my 25 and 50 lb ring hanging on it. I love seeing it and touching it and having it be my reminder of how far I have come and that I can do this.

Yes I'm planing on going to my meeting and yes I will stay for the whole thing, cause I'm that important and worth it to get the motivation.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

WW Calender day 8

"What a great day to go to a farmers market and buy fresh vegetables. Add them to every meal."

I love the Farmers Market! Today we just happened to be going to one because Sky and I were both dancing with our dance studio at a street festival. This farmers market happened to be the same day in its usually spot just outside the street festival. So after all the dancing we walk walked around the festival and on the way back to the car we hit the Farmers Market. I could spend so much there but we didn't.

Tomorrow is another one that I really like maybe we will wake up early and hit that one. We do need some fruit and veggies in the house :)

Friday, September 7, 2012

WW Calender day 7

"Vary your routine today by earning activity points in a new place or by taking a different route."

Hhhhmmmm a new way? I think I'll have the kids do this one with me. Our school is only a mile from our home but with a 7 and 10 year old sometimes a mile can be a very long walk. So I think today we will try something new. We will park at the library and walk to school from there. Its only about 2 blocks but it will have us walk a different way and we all will get some exercise in. I also have WI today so I'm thinking I'll squeeze some more activity by parking at the top of the parking garage by my WW center and walking the whole way down.

Also later today I'm going to do some yoga, I haven't done yoga in a wile and since its a rest day from running yoga would be a nice change.

What way will you get more activity in?

Thursday, September 6, 2012

WW Calender Day 6

"Always eat breakfast. Get that metabolism going!"

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, we have all heard that, but...... how many of you really eat it?

I know for me I used to NEVER eat breakfast. When I was a kid I would have cereal or something, but once I hit JR high and my mornings were a "do it yourself" kind, I never ate. I make sure my kids eat, but up in till a few months ago I was still having a hard time eating in the morning. I'm not a big breakfast person anyways (unless someone else is making it for me hehe). So now even if I'm not in the mood, I still have my coffee and a piece of fruit. At least its something and I'm getting my metabolism going and ready for the day.

Now that I started my half marathon training, all the articles I have read about proper training stress how a good breakfast is key to a long run. My body is going to need fuel to burn, but its going to need the right fuel. So today I had a good breakfast and I feel good already about it. I had a WW smart one. It was Waffles (wheat) with turkey sausage, and I had about  6 big strawberry's with it.

 It filled me up, I got a fruit serving in, and the waffles are a good complex carb which is what you need for running (and yes I had my coffee too, I'm a big coffee person and need that good wake up in the AM). The other thing to remember is your tummy needs time to digest it all too. So I'm passing the time blogging to let my body do its thing before I jump on the treadmill for 30 min.

I think the main thing I need to remember (ok we all need to remember) is that we need to eat to lose weight / keep the weight off. If we are skipping breakfast our metabolism cant start and that's what really helps us lose weight. So for the sake of reaching my goal, I think I can eat breakfast every morning.

So what did you eat for breakfast?

(this was so not a plug for smart ones, but it really was what I had. I'll buy smart ones every now and then when I know I wont have much time to cook, or that I know me so well and that I'm really lazy in the morning :P)

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

WW Calender

Every month at the last WI of the month my leader Joeann, give is us these cute WW inspired calenders. Each day has a message/thought for the day. I always look at it and think about it but I have never blogged about them or really put alot of heart in to each one. I decided this month I really want to do each one full out. So since it is the 5th all ready Im going to post the first 5 days. Then each day I will post the thought/question/change for the day. Do what you want with them but Im going to really try to implement them and then blog about my thoughts.

Sept 1st = A new month bring new opportunities. What is your weight loss goal for Sept?
   ME: My weight loss goal for Sept is to not have a gain bigger then 1lb at any WI. Im hoping to not have a gain at all but Im being realistic, because gains do happen sometimes even when you do it all right.

Sept 2nd = Plan ahead for the week. Make a shopping list of healthy foods.
   ME: I actually did this today (cause IM going shopping tomorrow) I printed out some new recipe's to try and made my list. All the recipe's have veggies in them so I know I will be getting at least 2 GHG's in at dinner.

Sept 3rd = Eating out this Holiday? Ask for a to-go container when you order and pack up half your portion before you begin to eat.
   ME: This is always a great idea. I didn't eat out this weekend though so I haven't had a chance to impalement this one, but I will keep it in mind.

Sept 4th = How could the Lose for Good campaign motivate you to achieve your goal?
    ME: click on the link to learn more about the LFG, it definitely will help me stay motivated because the weight I lose will have WW's buying food for someone in need. The more I lose the more people will get to eat, not to mention I plan on bringing in food to my WW center by the end of the month. It will be as many pound as I have lost in the month.

Sept 5th = Pay yourself a compliment today. Place real value on the power of positive self talk.
   ME: I look cute today. I fit in to this cute little sweater a friend gave me a wile ago and that made me feel grate. I wore it with some jeans a cute purple tank. I felt good in it and Mick even gave me a complement about how he loved the layers on me :) Yep I looked good today!

What about you?

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

2 steps forward 1 big step backwards

Ok so its not that big of a deal, but I had a gain last fri :( a pretty big one too. 5.2lbs.

I knew it was coming, I planed it (it was our 10 year wedding anniversary and we went to Santa Cruz over night) It was fun and I had the best time with my hubby all to my self. Even though I planed on not counting my points that weekend, the weekend turned in to the whole week. So 5.2lbs isn't so bad (I have friends that can gain way more then that in just a few days, every ones body is different) but any gain still leaves a sting.

Some times I just feel like its 2 steps forward and 1 step back. Ether way I'm still going in the direction I want, it might be slow getting to goal but I will get there.

In other Christal related news......Today was the first day of my 20 week training program for the Tinkerbell Half Marathon!! I ran outside today instead of on my treadmill and did pretty good. I was a bit slower outside but not by much. I feel so good!! Now I need to be really on top of what I eat cause I feel it when I'm not eating good y runs feel hard. I will definitely be posting more about each run, especially my long run days (7 miles seems so far).