Blogger Layouts

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Weekends are hard!

Trying to stay on target over the weekend when Mick is home, the kids are home, and Sky is dancing at a festival that sells all kids of BBQ-ed goodies and sweet treats all over the place IS HARD! To say Saturday was a tough day is no joke.

Skyla had a show at a street festival in a little town by us. I knew going in to it that all kids of food vender's were going to be there and I went having a strong attitude. I planed to have a treat, and we had all ready planed to eat lunch wile we were out. We had to walk through the whole place to get to the stage were Sky would dance. Luckily we were a bit late so stopping on the way there was not an option but I did get to scan the food area and started to pick out what I wanted.

Sky had to do 2 numbers, she danced 1st and 18th, so we had a pretty good wait between numbers. Luckily her teacher kept me busy by having me help the other kids on and off stage, so I didn't get to walk around between skys numbers (that's when all the unintended eating would have happened). Mick was so sweet and took Justin around, and Sky just loves dance so she was glued to the side of the stage watching every number and singing to some of the songs. :)

It was hot and we were sun drained by the time the show was over that we didn't really want to stay to long. We hit our first stand on the way to lunch. Of course it was a candy stand and SO YUMMY. it is marshmallow cream filled licorice (one of my faves). Sweet and Sour has some of the best candy and the ropes are 2 feet long! Best part is they are low in fat and have low points. Also 2 feet of chew candy takes some time to eat so I felt like I was cheating eating this thing all day long.
Next we got lunch. I'm a sucker for a good Tri-tip sandwich and of course there were plenty to chose from. I ate about half of it when I started to feel satisfied. So I stopped, then after a few min I picked out all the meat (power food) and left the bread. With the BBQ sauce the points were a bit higher but it felt good eating normal food with everyone.

That has to be one of my favorite things about WW, your not on a diet, you just learning to change how you eat and how to pick better choices. At the same time you can splurge and have your goodies too. So needles to say I used almost all my WP on top of my DP yesterday, but my hubby being the sweetie he is suggested we hit the store on the way home to get some low and 0 point foods in the house for me.

All in all it was a good day :)

**Photo thanks to**

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