Blogger Layouts

Friday, September 9, 2011


I have been thinking a lot about well.......Me. I have been over weight almost my whole life. I was a pretty normal kid but once I hit about 9 I began to gain weight. Anyways......

2 kids later I'm not happy with my weight at all! When Justin was born I had a goal of reaching my "Goal weight" by the time I was 30. Well 30 hit last month and I'm nowhere near my goal weight. Turning 30 though has put somethings in perspective. One being I'm not at a healthy weight and I'm getting older, the older I get the more this weight will cause problems. I'm very lucky that I don't have any major health problems now but I don't want to wait till I do to start something. So today was a big day for me, I finally found my drive and joined Weight Watchers.

**Click on the link to find more info, but basically you are give a Daily Points target based on your weight. Everything you eat or drink has a points value and the goal is to eat your DP each day with out going under or over.
On top of your DP you have what are called Weekly Points (just in case you did go over your DP or just want a to treat yourself). You get 49 points a week and can use them how ever you want for what ever you want, or not at all. Also when you exercise you earn Activity point which you can use too or not. Pretty easy really don't let this bad description scare you its is really easy I promise**

So I went to my first meeting this morning wile the kids were at school (that was so nice). I got to listen to others tell their tips and tricks and I have the best Leader ever she is so nice and is loaded with tons of info. The best thing I like about weight watcher meetings, is the leaders who run the meetings are WW members too. They have been in my shoes, lost their weight, kept it off, and now maintain their new weight.

At each meeting once a week you weigh in. WW helps you keep track of all your loses and gains and they have little motivating rewards for milestones. Today at my first weight in, I weigh 255 lbs, yep I'm being completely honest about my weight. My goal for this blog is to have a place to whine, throw fits about how hard it is, and share the joys and things I learn along my journey to reaching my goal weight of 150 lbs. Each week after my weigh in I will post a update on here.
I decide to make this very personal experience public because I need some add support and feel that so many others are in my same position hopefully someday this blog will inspire someone else to get on the ball.

So today was my first day and so far I think I did pretty good on my points. My daily points target is is 38 a day with 49 weekly point to use as I like. Today I used all my DP and 20 WP. Not to bad especially since I didn't have many low points things in the house. I had a pretty good day :)

Stats: Starting weight = 255.0
          Current weight  = 255.0
          Goal                 = 150.0

A favorite quote of mine "If life is boring, then your doing it wrong"


  1. You go girl!! Get your skinny on!! I'll cheer you on too! I'm proud of you! :)

  2. Good luck! I'll be following you and cheering you on!

    -Melissa Savage

    (Blogger won't let me post with my gmail account, don't know why...)
