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Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Keep going...

Its so hard to keep up this journey sometimes. I have lost 55 lbs so far and reached a big goal for me. On friday I weighed 200 lbs on the dot. That was a nice feeling! It gave me the drive to keep going, but at the same time I'm getting frustrated.

There is a reason WW's tells you to only weight in 1x a week, its mainly because your weight changes everyday all day and trying to weigh in at the same time and same day each week will give you the best judge of weight loss. I on the other hand (like most I'm sure) have a bad habit of "peeking" at the scale all week long. This is where my frustration is coming from.

I want to see that scale read in the 100's so bad, that everyday since friday I have been peeking each morning. I have been doing really good with my DP and WP and have not gone over. I have been getting some exercise in (even went swimming yesterday for 2 hours with the kids), but that darn scale isn't going in the direction I want. It has gone up but it usually does on the weekend cause I eat most of my WP on fri, sat, and sunday. SO that's to be expected, this week I have been really good and tried to spread my WP out longer and I did. I used the last of them yesterday.

Now I only have my 30 DP each day for the rest of the week. I'm ok with that I just really want to see the scale go down!!! I know I will get there as long as I keep going, but sometimes its just so hard, I want the results I want now!! That isn't going to happen so on with sucking it up and just Keep going!

On another note, registration for the Tinkerbell Half Marathon opens today!!! Im so excited to sign up and start my half marathon training. Im going for a run today after Mick gets home from work, now that the kids are on summer break running has to be done when Mick gets home, the kids love riding their bikes and scooters but when I have them do 2-3 miles with me, without stopping.....yeah they don't like it to much hehe.

Starting weight: 255.0
Current weight: 200.0 HALF WAY TO GOAL!!!
Goal Weight: 145.0

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