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Friday, November 2, 2012

Catching up

Wow do I have some catching up to do. First off Im so sorry I have been keeping everyone up to date, with rehearsal every night for the play and now Saturday rehearsals too its been a bit crazy. Here are a few new things though.

1) Running:
            My running is going great. 3 miles in 30min is my new average and it feel so good to be that fast. When I first started running I wanted to be able to do that and it seemed so far away. I was reading a old post from when I first started, and checking out my runs on my Nike page. I used to run a 14:55 mile then I got a bit faster and 12:30 was my norm for so long now Im running a 9:50 mile at a VERY comfortable pace, I can still talk and everything. If I push it I can run a 8 min mile but I can only do one mile that fast. This last sat I had another long run. I ran 8.5 miles in 1 hour and 34 min. I only stopped to walk once for 10 min. It felt so good to go so far and I can feel my running boundaries being pushed. It also really got me excited for the Tinkerbell Half which is in just 76 days :)

2) Emotions:
         I feel like my emotions have been all over the place lately! For a few weeks I just haven't been on my WW game and have been not tracking one day then doing really good the next. It totally plays a toll on you and I had some WI were I lost 2.6 then gained it back the next week then lost 3.4 last week. I was determined to have another loss and get myself out of this funk I have been in. Easier said then done, let me just tell you. I have been stressing over PTA stuff and trying to get everything we needed done, done and its taking WAY longer then I thought it would. Then Mick came home last week to inform me his company just got sold and he might be out of a job.....STRESS......add on normal life stuff like my job at the apartments, kids school work and homework, House work, and the play......Yeah I felt a bit overwhelmed. Then Mick and I sat down and talk and remembered what is meant to happen will happen and we will be ok. So I refused to stress over things I could not control and just worked on de-stressing things I could. Result a awesome week (that included some Mick job related questions answered that took alot of stress away) and I had another loss.

3) Family:
         The play definitely has me and the kids busy at night, I have had rehearsal from 7-10 Mon-Thur for the last 3 weeks and now we have 10-4 Saturdays and tech week is coming up fast and so is Opening night!!! I have all my lines memorised, all my blocking notes down and go over them everyday. The kids work on all their stuff too and are having a blast doing it. Im starting to memorize the music I need to (some songs Im on stage others Im back stage with my book singing). The cast Im working with is amazing and i have made some cool friendships. Halloween was a blast and the kids look so stinking cool/cute this year. I have a huge cake to make for my cousins upcoming birthday, and so excited to spend Thanksgiving at my aunts house this year with all my fam.

If you have read this far you deserve a award for it :P I know Im not that interesting but I like to get down all my thoughts. Thanks for reading all my gibb-er-ish.

4) Weight Watchers:
          Today was such a awesome day at WI because I FINALLY did it.....I hit my 75 lb mark and got my cool 75 lb ring for my key chain. This one has felt like it has taken forever to get, but I finally got it and now my eyes are set on my 100 lb ring :)
       After my few yo-yo WI's I last 3.4 last week and 2lbs this week. Total lost is 75.2, and I weight 179.8 lbs. BEST part I weight less then Mick now!!! Anyone who knows my sweet hubby knows he is 6'4 and skinny. Mick and I have been together for 13 years and I have never weighed less then him, so that alone is a huge feat for me. It feels so good to say that, and the fact I can say I have lost a crazy number (75 holly crap) is just so much fun!
      So the half marathon is in 76 days and I would LOVE to be at 100 lb loss goal. I want to make a tank that I will run in that says "Lost (number) pounds and found my wings" then on the back "Now watch me fly!" I feel I can do it if I really buckle down from now on till Jan. Its another 25 lbs I would need to lose. I know I can do it but it does still seem like a huge goal that might be a bit tough to reach, but Im going to put my whole heart in to it and have no regrets in the end whether I make the mark or not. Crazy thought if I do do it, I'll be 10 lbs from my goal weight! WOW!!

Starting weight: 255
Current weight: 179.8
Goal weight: 145
Total gone and never to be found: 75.2 lbs :)